Thursday, 3 December 2015

Live from Chennai.

'Isolated Extremely Heavy Rainfalls'. Yup, that is Chennai's weather forecast for the coming couple of days. It has been close to four weeks now and it continues to rain heavily here.. Not really continuously, but making things worse every time it rains.
Roads are all blocked, airport is shut down, trains cancelled, no electricity, no mobile networks, no internet.. The discontinuance of all this pretty much explains the plight of a Chennai-ite!

Sitting in one corner of the city- cutoff from what is happening at the other end, I see discomfort in just all this, even when I talk of nothing what people are actually going through. Well, I am not going to give you numbers related to the rainfall levels or the records broken, basically because I am myself not aware of it. I am probably going to take you through a different phase of what people in general are experiencing.

Starting from the people out there on streets who are trying to commute; here on the streets you come across people going through different sets of emotions. Some disgusted with the conditions of the road, some fuming on the whole idea of how the city's architecture is not properly planned, some obliged on being offered help from someone random, some pleased to having been able to offer a ride to someone reach his home safe. Well, it is in situations like this when you witness humanity and happen to witness the good that world holds.

Then there are the happy kids, who have got a break from school. Moreover, who get to spend time with both their parents at home, as they are on a break as well. All having the much needed 'Family time'. Office going people who realize how their work has become an integral part of their life, and acts as a driving force. Neighbors who are generously providing support. Families who are fighting through the difficult situations together.

And, we have people like me. Not into much of a mess. Sort of away from the real troubles that many in the city are facing and I cannot be thankful enough for this. Surely, one thing that I would like to mention though.. Two days without electricity and I could not take one more. I am here, sitting in my office at 4 in the morning, as this brings me back to the normal course of life. Electricity- mobile network- Wifi. Yes, that is how instrumental life has become, and I do feel incomplete without it. Well, reality!

In all, I guess every individual is getting to know the importance of each moment in life.
Hoping for everything to get back to normal soon. Has got to be so!

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

The storm inside you!

The waves come rushing towards you, languidly drifting you away from the materialistic world. A world where people change in flick of seconds, where genuinity is not genuine, where expectations are unlikely to become reality and where hellos and goodbyes are all concocted. Taking you away from a world that is fake.


Yes, I feel so at times. And right now as I sit on the beach side feeling the winds pass through, I wish my life was exactly the way I wanted it to be. No hardships.. No disappointments. These disappointments that I talk off are not the ones I am going through, but how I have been a disappointment to people. Because they expected - and I could not stand up to their expectations. How weird is this now, right? But, indeed true. This is one side of the story.. A story which is about my life. Well, my life's not always like this, like a mess and has never been so actually. This time, it's just taking me on a roll showing me how life is not always like a bright sunny day.

Now talking of the other side of the story.. Which I suppose doesn't matter because no-one is bothered about it. A lot of things keep adding on to the storm of emotions I carry inside. I do not intend to be weak and so I think I can handle it all by myself, not expressing my feelings, not talking to people about it, not being an open-book (Did speak out my feelings once though, only to realise it can only make situations worse). 
Basically it's a fact, once you are in a negative mood all you sense around is negativity. You happen to pick only the wrong things and start building your life around that. You mess up more and you   forget to look at the brighter side of life again.

Probably life never wants you to be sad, it is your inhibitions that refrain you from coming out of the storm that your mind is building up for you. 
Well, at this point all I remember is someone telling me.. Nothing is wrong, you are always going to have me by your side. May be not the way you want it, but surely in a way that is right for us. And I know, that person is right in saying so.

To all of you who happen to read this post.. Your problems and storms are nothing compared to what a lot of them out there are facing. And I realise this myself today. Surely, beaches are the cure! 

Friday, 6 November 2015

That one person..!

Long drive. Right kind of music. And that perfect person whom you can speak out your heart to. This is everything you would want to have to zone out from the world and just be yourself.
When whatever you talk, something that does not even make sense, is listened to with utmost patience and you are just not being judged on that. When complete silence is not awkward, rather it brings you peace and deep inside you wish to stay like this forever because you are so comfortable in that company.

Now this perfect companion I am talking of need not necessarily be the person with whom you are going to spend the rest of your life as your partner. Can be someone whom you look up to for advices, someone who understands you the way you are, some proclaimed best friend of yours, someone you want to spend time with or someone you have just met. Sometimes people just come into your life and take that important place in your heart which is unexplainable. Probably, you may know they are not going to stay forever.. but still because you never want to loose them, you hold on.

And here is when we talk of Mind-control and Heart-control. It is said, one has no control on his heart.. That is indeed true! Your heart is a wanderer, always on the lookout for love. And to your heart are attached your feelings, which again, fly like a free bird. Contrary to this, there is your mind, that puts up questions, raises restrictions, forces you to think and re-think. In fact, I would say it sets things straight for you, letting you know what's right and what's not. Your heart might definitely take you to your ultimate destination, only that your mind gives substance to it.

Coming back to 'THAT ONE PERSON', all of us have him/her out there. All that we have got to do is; go identify that person. And if destiny permits, never let go off.. Keep holding on them! :)

Friday, 9 October 2015

Just Be You!

Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, Sachin Tendulkar, Agatha Christie, Mark Zuckerberg. Nopes.. none of them. All you have got to be is YOU.

We have all had one such role-model in our lives, someone who inspires us and whom we want to be like. We happen to follow their ideologies, principles and philosophies and walk on the paths they have traversed through. Often we ourselves end up comparing us to people who are more authoritative and dynamic. Somewhere in this process we forget to be, how we as an individual are. These role-models in reality are just a milestone, what lies ahead is where one shall aim to be.

I cannot be you, nor can you ever be me. There are always going to be people who do not like you the way you are, the way you look, the way you talk, the things you say, the things you believe in. But it is on you to decide who you want to be. You need to learn to stand up for yourself and accept yourself. Don't let anybody put you down, make your own choices. Don't be a follower, be a leader and be confident about what you do. Value and respect everyone's opinions but at the same time, never let anyone define you or subdue your identity. You may be unique in your own ways and probably that is what makes you stand out from the crowd

Someone has rightly quoted, "An original is always worth more than a copy". The biggest challenge in life is to BE YOURSELF in a world that is trying to make you like everyone else. Let people see the real, imperfect, weird, beautiful and magical you and they will eventually love you for the way you are! :)

Sunday, 27 September 2015

A note on behalf of every daughter!

Mom and Dad!

It seems like it was only yesterday dad, that we sat together on the dinner table deciding on what shall I be doing in future. A slight difference in opinions but a firm explanation from your end on how the options you give me would take me in the right direction. And today I am here dad, without any complaints, happily enjoying life.

There hasn't been time when I had given you less trouble, mom and dad. Be it, from dressing me up for the first day of school to collecting my report cards every year. From taking me for outdoor trips to seeing me off for my first job in a different city. From buying me things that I wished for to letting me free, to achieve my dreams. You have always stood by me, being my ultimate support pillars. Needless to say how every-time you made my interests your priorities and how well you managed making the impossible, possible. 

Mom-Dad, time has passed by fast, I have started taking responsibilities myself. As I look back in life and trace my journey to where I have reached today, I realise it wouldn't have been possible without the values that you have inculcated in me. You have helped me learn to speak out for what is correct, to fight against all odds, to always be confident and never lose hope.

With whatever I do for you, I can never give back for what you have been doing for me.. But a promise, to forever be my daddy's little girl and momma's smart baby!

Your daughter. :)

P.S. I miss you maa-paa!

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Stone. Paper. Scissors.

Scissor cuts the paper. Paper wraps the stone. Stone breaks the scissors. Child's play, eh?
How easy going life was then; no complexities. no responsibilities. no worries. When the tiniest of the things would matter the most, when even a small chocolate was big enough to make our day, when putting across the most stupid question also was not at all embarrassing. That is what everyone's childhood holds.

In a snake and ladder game, a win or a loss only meant a point which would tell us to restart the game, and there we would be, back to point zero with the same players. With time, life has taken a roll; the game has gone bigger and the players have become competition in real. All we need to know is to give it a start all over again. Difficulties have cropped up in our lives, only giving reasons to hold back to the inquisitiveness we have, to search for the solutions and be able to make our way through all the situations.

There are times when each one of us want to get drenched in the beautiful rains. Make a paper plane and compete to who's goes the farthest. Long for a dessert that we know is high on calorie levels. Dance in the most weird form. Play tic-tac-toe. Build that dream house on sand. Copy people. Make faces. Sing out loud. Speak nonsense. Well, let me tell you, it is completely okay to do so and there is no one who is going to judge you on that. Stop worrying about what people have to say about you. Going back to being a kid is the best you can do to yourself. And that is when we realise nothing is as complicated as our mind makes it. 

Without paying heat to what was ahead on our ways, carefree we were always ready to take over the world. When we could keep this attitude through out our childhood times, why can't we repeat the same again. Always bear in mind: No matter what age you get, never forget to be a kid at heart! :)

Thursday, 24 September 2015

That happy moment.

A dialogue from the movie 'The Vow' goes like this; "Life is all about moments, of impact and how they change our lives forever. The moment of impact proves potential for change. Has ripples far beyond what we can predict. You can't, no matter how hard you try, control how it's gonna effect you. You just gotta let the colliding parts go where they may. And wait. For the next collision."

Each one of us are in constant search of something that intrigues us, keeps us busy for some amount of time and takes us out of the normal course of life; into a whole new world which is perfect. We look for happiness in relatively everything we do. The definition of 'being happy' might be different to every individual. To some going on a world tour may seem less, whereas there might be people who look forward to spending a peaceful evening in their balcony, sipping hot coffee.
A group of friends, a bucket of popcorn, and a great movie. That was my happy moment of the day. :)

To how many of us does this really happen that we watch a movie and wish if this is how our lives would have been. Wherein, we want all the happy-go-lucky stuff to be happening with us. Almost all of us, right? Well, this is what we fancy. Reality is, to be true, more harsh than what we expect. About sixty percent of the moments of impact in our lives are more crude and bring sadness. Ultimately it is on us to decide what effect we want that situation to leave on our lives. The beauty is in experiencing the whole situation and being able to find that moment of happiness and bringing out the positivity it holds.
Look out for your happy moments and hold fast onto them. And wait. For life to become more beautiful than what it had so far been!

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Where the thought process meets.

We all come across various faces through out our lives. Some happen to become integral parts of our lives, some just play their part in our story and the rest we have no clue where they have come from and where they head to.
Have you ever wondered what makes you connect with an individual, what is the common chord that creates the link? With no known reasons we tend to enjoy someone's company and exclaim that our frequencies match. This frequency is the coincidence of the thought processes that goes in an individuals mind; common interests, common view points and indeed common reactions/over- reactions on certain topics! This blog, 'YEAH. I THINK SO TOO!', is going to be a collection of my version of stories and ideas. You might correlate to a few of my theories yourself, which will be an example of our frequency matching or you may even contradict to what I write form here on, for which your version of views are most welcomed (the comments section).
In my life's journey I intend to come into your lives through this mode (of blogging) and how far I go along with you in your journey that I leave on you to decide.
Stay in touch to know where our thought process meets. :)