Sunday 6 September 2015

Where the thought process meets.

We all come across various faces through out our lives. Some happen to become integral parts of our lives, some just play their part in our story and the rest we have no clue where they have come from and where they head to.
Have you ever wondered what makes you connect with an individual, what is the common chord that creates the link? With no known reasons we tend to enjoy someone's company and exclaim that our frequencies match. This frequency is the coincidence of the thought processes that goes in an individuals mind; common interests, common view points and indeed common reactions/over- reactions on certain topics! This blog, 'YEAH. I THINK SO TOO!', is going to be a collection of my version of stories and ideas. You might correlate to a few of my theories yourself, which will be an example of our frequency matching or you may even contradict to what I write form here on, for which your version of views are most welcomed (the comments section).
In my life's journey I intend to come into your lives through this mode (of blogging) and how far I go along with you in your journey that I leave on you to decide.
Stay in touch to know where our thought process meets. :)

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