Sunday, 27 September 2015

A note on behalf of every daughter!

Mom and Dad!

It seems like it was only yesterday dad, that we sat together on the dinner table deciding on what shall I be doing in future. A slight difference in opinions but a firm explanation from your end on how the options you give me would take me in the right direction. And today I am here dad, without any complaints, happily enjoying life.

There hasn't been time when I had given you less trouble, mom and dad. Be it, from dressing me up for the first day of school to collecting my report cards every year. From taking me for outdoor trips to seeing me off for my first job in a different city. From buying me things that I wished for to letting me free, to achieve my dreams. You have always stood by me, being my ultimate support pillars. Needless to say how every-time you made my interests your priorities and how well you managed making the impossible, possible. 

Mom-Dad, time has passed by fast, I have started taking responsibilities myself. As I look back in life and trace my journey to where I have reached today, I realise it wouldn't have been possible without the values that you have inculcated in me. You have helped me learn to speak out for what is correct, to fight against all odds, to always be confident and never lose hope.

With whatever I do for you, I can never give back for what you have been doing for me.. But a promise, to forever be my daddy's little girl and momma's smart baby!

Your daughter. :)

P.S. I miss you maa-paa!

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Stone. Paper. Scissors.

Scissor cuts the paper. Paper wraps the stone. Stone breaks the scissors. Child's play, eh?
How easy going life was then; no complexities. no responsibilities. no worries. When the tiniest of the things would matter the most, when even a small chocolate was big enough to make our day, when putting across the most stupid question also was not at all embarrassing. That is what everyone's childhood holds.

In a snake and ladder game, a win or a loss only meant a point which would tell us to restart the game, and there we would be, back to point zero with the same players. With time, life has taken a roll; the game has gone bigger and the players have become competition in real. All we need to know is to give it a start all over again. Difficulties have cropped up in our lives, only giving reasons to hold back to the inquisitiveness we have, to search for the solutions and be able to make our way through all the situations.

There are times when each one of us want to get drenched in the beautiful rains. Make a paper plane and compete to who's goes the farthest. Long for a dessert that we know is high on calorie levels. Dance in the most weird form. Play tic-tac-toe. Build that dream house on sand. Copy people. Make faces. Sing out loud. Speak nonsense. Well, let me tell you, it is completely okay to do so and there is no one who is going to judge you on that. Stop worrying about what people have to say about you. Going back to being a kid is the best you can do to yourself. And that is when we realise nothing is as complicated as our mind makes it. 

Without paying heat to what was ahead on our ways, carefree we were always ready to take over the world. When we could keep this attitude through out our childhood times, why can't we repeat the same again. Always bear in mind: No matter what age you get, never forget to be a kid at heart! :)

Thursday, 24 September 2015

That happy moment.

A dialogue from the movie 'The Vow' goes like this; "Life is all about moments, of impact and how they change our lives forever. The moment of impact proves potential for change. Has ripples far beyond what we can predict. You can't, no matter how hard you try, control how it's gonna effect you. You just gotta let the colliding parts go where they may. And wait. For the next collision."

Each one of us are in constant search of something that intrigues us, keeps us busy for some amount of time and takes us out of the normal course of life; into a whole new world which is perfect. We look for happiness in relatively everything we do. The definition of 'being happy' might be different to every individual. To some going on a world tour may seem less, whereas there might be people who look forward to spending a peaceful evening in their balcony, sipping hot coffee.
A group of friends, a bucket of popcorn, and a great movie. That was my happy moment of the day. :)

To how many of us does this really happen that we watch a movie and wish if this is how our lives would have been. Wherein, we want all the happy-go-lucky stuff to be happening with us. Almost all of us, right? Well, this is what we fancy. Reality is, to be true, more harsh than what we expect. About sixty percent of the moments of impact in our lives are more crude and bring sadness. Ultimately it is on us to decide what effect we want that situation to leave on our lives. The beauty is in experiencing the whole situation and being able to find that moment of happiness and bringing out the positivity it holds.
Look out for your happy moments and hold fast onto them. And wait. For life to become more beautiful than what it had so far been!

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Where the thought process meets.

We all come across various faces through out our lives. Some happen to become integral parts of our lives, some just play their part in our story and the rest we have no clue where they have come from and where they head to.
Have you ever wondered what makes you connect with an individual, what is the common chord that creates the link? With no known reasons we tend to enjoy someone's company and exclaim that our frequencies match. This frequency is the coincidence of the thought processes that goes in an individuals mind; common interests, common view points and indeed common reactions/over- reactions on certain topics! This blog, 'YEAH. I THINK SO TOO!', is going to be a collection of my version of stories and ideas. You might correlate to a few of my theories yourself, which will be an example of our frequency matching or you may even contradict to what I write form here on, for which your version of views are most welcomed (the comments section).
In my life's journey I intend to come into your lives through this mode (of blogging) and how far I go along with you in your journey that I leave on you to decide.
Stay in touch to know where our thought process meets. :)