Thursday, 3 December 2015

Live from Chennai.

'Isolated Extremely Heavy Rainfalls'. Yup, that is Chennai's weather forecast for the coming couple of days. It has been close to four weeks now and it continues to rain heavily here.. Not really continuously, but making things worse every time it rains.
Roads are all blocked, airport is shut down, trains cancelled, no electricity, no mobile networks, no internet.. The discontinuance of all this pretty much explains the plight of a Chennai-ite!

Sitting in one corner of the city- cutoff from what is happening at the other end, I see discomfort in just all this, even when I talk of nothing what people are actually going through. Well, I am not going to give you numbers related to the rainfall levels or the records broken, basically because I am myself not aware of it. I am probably going to take you through a different phase of what people in general are experiencing.

Starting from the people out there on streets who are trying to commute; here on the streets you come across people going through different sets of emotions. Some disgusted with the conditions of the road, some fuming on the whole idea of how the city's architecture is not properly planned, some obliged on being offered help from someone random, some pleased to having been able to offer a ride to someone reach his home safe. Well, it is in situations like this when you witness humanity and happen to witness the good that world holds.

Then there are the happy kids, who have got a break from school. Moreover, who get to spend time with both their parents at home, as they are on a break as well. All having the much needed 'Family time'. Office going people who realize how their work has become an integral part of their life, and acts as a driving force. Neighbors who are generously providing support. Families who are fighting through the difficult situations together.

And, we have people like me. Not into much of a mess. Sort of away from the real troubles that many in the city are facing and I cannot be thankful enough for this. Surely, one thing that I would like to mention though.. Two days without electricity and I could not take one more. I am here, sitting in my office at 4 in the morning, as this brings me back to the normal course of life. Electricity- mobile network- Wifi. Yes, that is how instrumental life has become, and I do feel incomplete without it. Well, reality!

In all, I guess every individual is getting to know the importance of each moment in life.
Hoping for everything to get back to normal soon. Has got to be so!